Fatal Car Accident Lawyers | Get compensated for the loss of your loved ones


Your Compensation Is Our Reputation

At least 1,100 people are killed in road accidents in Australia each year. This death toll is something we’d all love to not think about. But you can never completely ignore the risk of you or your loved ones being involved in a fatal car accident.

We sympathise with your situation if your loved one has been in a fatal car accident no matter the cause. Firstly, it’s important to know that you’re eligible for compensation through the at-fault driver’s CTP insurance.

At Alliance Compensation and Litigation Lawyers, we have an expert team of accident lawyers who’ll help you get proper compensation for your loss.

Has your loved one been involved in a fatal car accident?

You may be eligible for compensation if your loved one has been involved in a fatal car accident. The compensation claims process may be a bit overwhelming while simultaneously dealing with grief. 

But these steps will help get proper compensation:

Gather evidence of the accident

If you’re at the accident scene and you’re not severely injured, take as many pictures and videos of the scene as possible. Talk to any witnesses and record the at-fault driver and car’s details.

Get into contact with the authorities, report the accident, and obtain a police event number.

If you were in the accident, it’s important to download a certificate of fitness and fill it out for proper fatal car accident compensation. This certificate should be filled by both you and your medical practitioner.

If you’ve already reported the accident to the relevant authorities, you can file a personal injury claim by lodging a Motor Accident Compensation to Relatives Claim Form within 6 months.

If the deceased was the family’s sole provider, their proof of earnings and income are among the crucial documents needed. Organise the pay slips to get properly compensated.

It’s also important to record all expenses associated with the medical treatment and funeral of the victims of the fatal car accident.

It’s difficult to follow all these requirements to the letter when you’re grieving. But a fatal car accident lawyer will help you collect enough evidence, report to the relevant authorities, gather the required documents, and file the compensation claim correctly.

It takes the CTP insurer between 12 and 18 months to settle the fatal car accident compensation claim, though it might go up to three years. During this time, the insurer will determine whether the vehicle they covered was at fault. Generally, claims with no dispute take a shorter time to settle.

The time limit to complete the claim application is six months from the date of the accident or the deceased’s death. But it’s advised to file the claim as soon as you can to maximise your chances of proper compensation.

Contact Alliance Compensation and Litigation Lawyers as soon as possible to seek legal advice

Who can make a fatal car accident claim?

You’re entitled to a fatal car accident claim if you’re a loved one or dependant of the victim of the accident. This includes:

  • Spouse or de-facto partner
  • Parent (or guardian)
  • Sibling
  • Children (including stepchildren)
  • Grandchildren


There are some special cases where you may be eligible for compensation if you were sufficiently close with the deceased. You may also have been a witness and got traumatised to the extent of a psychological diagnosis, meaning you’re eligible for a psychiatric injury claim.

If you fall into these categories, you may file a compensation claim for a deceased victim involved in a fatal car accident as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or cyclist.


What compensation benefits are available?

Depending on the circumstances, loved ones of a deceased victim involved in a fatal car accident are eligible for several benefits, including:

The lump sum and periodic payment amounts have a determined formula, which is reviewed every year.

Also, the funeral expenses include transportation of the deceased’s body if the accident occurred far away from their place of residence. If they resided in a country outside Australia, the funeral expenses also include the cost of transporting the body to that country.

The claim for funeral expenses should be made within three months of the accident. If this period has already lapsed, you may be asked to explain the delay.

Depending on the circumstances, loved ones of a deceased victim involved in a fatal car accident are eligible for several benefits, including:

  • Medical and hospital expenses
  • Funeral or cremation costs
  • Loss of financial support
  • Emotional distress or suffering
  • Domestic services assistance
  • Lump sum death benefit
  • Periodic payments

Start your Fatal Car Accident Claim with 3 quick steps

Our simple approach ensures that you receive an effective and professional service. We preserve your rights and entitlements to ensure a fair outcome.

Learning About All Your Legal Issues

We take all details of your matter and identify all the legal issues to be addressed

Provide Legal Advice Formulate A Plan

We provide legal advice and formulate a plan to progress your matter

Execute Our Plan And Strive For Success

Execute our plan, monitor the progress and strive for full resolution of your matter

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Why Choose Alliance Compensation & Litigation Lawyers as your Fatal Car Accident lawyer?

We understand that dealing with the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re more than just your lawyers; we’re your personal advocates for getting your life back on track. Our team has more than 14 years experience in the motor vehicle accidents space and have helped thousands of everyday Aussies with their claims. 

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Accredited Specialist

Our team includes accredited specialists in motor vehicle accident law, ensuring you receive top-tier, expert legal advice.

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No Win no fee

With our 'No Win, No Fee' policy, you can have peace of mind knowing that our services are risk-free and focused on your success.

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We come to you

Understanding your situation, we offer the convenience of coming to you, making legal support accessible no matter your circumstances.

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99% win rate

This compensation covers the cost of medical treatment, including hospital fees, rehabilitation costs, and any ongoing healthcare needs resulting from the accident.

Meet your Fatal Car Accident Lawyers

Frequently Asked Questions

To make a claim for this, you will also need to lodge a “Motor Accidents Compensation to Relatives Claim Form” within 6 months of the accident to allow for the best possible chances to receive the compensation you are entitled to.

In addition to this, for those involved that are below the age of 18, have 3 years from their 18th birthday to make a Fatal Car Accident Claim. The time limits are quite nuanced as each case can be quite unique, to learn more about the time limits for this type of claim we urge you to book in a free consultation with our expert Fatal Car Accident Lawyers today at (02) 8764 1776. 

The CTP Insurer will make payment to the family of the deceased, which will also include funeral expenses.

If you disagree with the CTP insurers’ decision related to your claim you can request an internal review with the insurer. This request must be completed within 28 days of receiving your decision from the insurer. 

In such cases where you also disagree with the decision post-internal review then you can also make an application to the Personal Injury Commission to get a further independent review. 

Our expert lawyers can assist you with these processes.

Even if the deceased is at Fault, it does not prevent the family of the deceased or any witnesses to the accident to make a CTP claim and receive compensation. 

Having been involved in an accident resulting in a fatality can be a very stressful period in your life. The last thing you want to deal with alongside your recovery is to gather all the required documents and evidence needed to submit a compensation claim. In such cases, hiring a Fatal Car Accident lawyer can prove to be a wise move to reduce the burden and allow you to gain confidence that your claim will be looked after. 

The benefits of hiring a Fatal Car accident lawyer don’t just end once you’ve submitted the claim. We will also support you and represent you in cases the decisions made by the CTP insurer are not favourable for you. They will provide you with the legal guidance needed to ensure that you receive maximum compensation. 

We also ensure that no stones are left unturned, as we also look into opportunities where permanent impairment is present which can also result in an additional lump sum payment alongside your usual statutory benefits. 

Finally, here at Alliance Compensation & Litigation Lawyers, we operate on a No-Win-No-Fee structure, meaning if you are not successful in your claim you don’t pay a single cent. In cases where the claim is worth less than $75K, upon a successful claim, the CTP insurer will cover 100% of the cost.

Free no-obligation claim assessment

Complete our form and our specialist Fatal Car Accident injury lawyers will reach out to discuss your claim. Alternatively call (02) 8764 1776 for free claim advice.

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Contact us or submit your online claim below.