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Superannuation Claims

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Superannuation Protects You For Life

Superannuation claims may help ease the financial burden to you as a result of a life-changing injury or illness. 

In our experience, people are often unaware of their rights and entitlements when it comes to making a claim associated with the superannuation policy.

If you are suffering from an injury or illness and have been stopped to work as a result, you may be able be entitled to claim superannuation benefits. 

If you had already made a personal injury claim, you can still make a further superannuation claim.

Total Permanent Disablement Claims

If you are unable to work permanently as a result of an injury or illness

Income Protection Claims

If you have been temporarily unable to work as a result of an injury or illness

Life Insurance And Death Benefits Claims

Claim benefits if you are the dependant of the deceaesed

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Don’t be afraid to take the first step. Contact us and organise a free initial consultation.

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