we will do it together

Dust Disease and Asbestos Claims

stay connected

How We
Can Help

We cannot emphasise how devastating the effects of dust or asbestos related diseases can have on you. We have helped everyone in similar situations where they have suffered these diseases and obtain the compensation they deserved. We want to do the same for you.

helping you Take the first step

claim for your compensation

Making a Claim

If you have been exposed to high levels of dust or asbestos and have since been diagnosed by a medical professional with:

You may be able to claim compensation.

Want to get started straight away? Contact us or submit your online claim.

“We have helped everyone in similar situations where they have suffered these diseases”

plan of action

know your rights

Our simple approach ensures that you receive an effective and professional service. We preserve your rights and entitlements to ensure a fair outcome.


Learning About all your Legal Issues

We take all details of your matter and identify all the legal issues to be addressed


Understand your rights, formulate a plan

We provide legal advice and formulate a plan to progress your matter


Execute our plan

We execute our plan, monitor the progress and strive for resolution of your matter

We are on your side

Take the first step and contact us for a first free consultation